Rodschinson Seniors

Providing In-depth Services To Transform Your Asset Into A Successful Seniors Housing Project

ROD Seniors puts its expertise and skills at the service of its clients i.e. shareholders, investors, developers and financial institutions involved in activities relating to housing for seniors. Rodschinson Investment’s multidisciplinary and specialized teams provide in-depth and personalized support tailored to the needs of Client requirements. Our approach successfully combines an understanding of this specific sector with an in-depth knowledge of the market.

Optimize Your Real Estate Or Activities Related To Housing For Seniors

Valuing Your Care For Seniors

Rodschinson’s Valuation Expert Team Has Decades Of Experience In The Valuation Of Diverse Assets In The Senior Care Space, Be It An Senior Living Facility With Basic Provisions, Assisted Living Facility With Assistance For Daily Needs Of Seniors Or Nursing Homes With Clinical Support Our Team Ensures Your Business Receives The Optimal Value.

Smooth Transition To A Senior Care Facility

Over The Past Decade, Senior Care Facilities Have Seen Steady Growth In Demand And Have Become A Sought After Investment For Investors. Many Assets Are Being Repurposed For Senior Care, But Very Few Make The Cut. Rodchinson’s Team Of Specialists Has A Track Record Of Assisting The Conversion Of Diverse Assets Into Senior Care Suitable Properties Obtaining Higher Rois.

Diverse Network Assisting You At Every Step

We Understand The Role Valuable Advice Plays At Crucial Times, Rodschinson Investment’s Global Offices Leverage Its International Network Of Industry Leaders, Investors, Banking Institutions, Corporations And Other Stakeholders To Offer Clients Industry Best Practices And Valuable Insights For Every Step In Their Growth Mission.

If you are thinking of rolling out a development project or taking part in a development investment, please do get in touch.

Our team will be delighted to tell you more about the different stages in this investment cycle, and how to plan and coordinate any such project accordingly. Based on dozens of practical examples and client cases, we can demonstrate our vast market experience and expertise.

Bastion Tower (level 11-12)
5, Place du Champ de Mars
1050 Brussels, Belgium